Strategy, research, media relations, stakeholder engagement, government relations, issues management and events.
The world is in the throes of an obesity and diabetes crisis.
While account director at the UK's number one government communications consultancy, Rebecca led the team to win and retain the government campaign to revolutionise children's food. The Children's Food Trust was set up as a non-profit to get every child eating well at home, in child care, at school and beyond. Known globally to some as the 'Jamie Oliver' campaign. Rebecca's team won the UK PR and media relations awards from the Tribal Group.
To change the behaviour of three decades of British people addicted to junk food.
To convince children, parents and cooks that when children eat better, they do better: they’re in better shape to reach their potential. By getting them eating well today, we’re creating the healthier adults of tomorrow.
Engage with research and viral videos about obesity and junk food that hit global media to shock audiences into changing behaviour. Deliver new school meals directly to national news editors' desks.
Excite by recruiting celebrities revered by children to appear in media and events, as well as in schools all over the country. Partner with relevant brands including Disney for the film Ratatouille.
Train school cooks by setting up nationwide conferences and then reward them with a luncheon with Prince Charles.
Set up and secure funding for a nationwide loyalty card programme to incentivise behaviour change.
£8 million worth of coverage, with 76 per cent highly favourable, including a year long slot on BBC Breakfast.
12 sports and health celebrities and spokespeople recruited.
3000+ school cooks trained.
Everyone engaged nationwide including the Royal family. Parents who are ultimately responsible for their children's diets became fully engaged.